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Kresko is a supplier of raw materials used for technical and feed purposes.

Distributing over 1200t of products per month


We delivery of our products to any point within the EU, enabling our clients to acquire essential materials regardless of their location.

RedCert certificate

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Rendered her for put improved concerns his. Ladies bed wisdom.


Kresko was founded by professionals with years of experience in the chemical and oil industries. The expertise of our team ensures the high quality of our work and our commitment to environmental protection. 

Within our company, we design engineering solutions for the storage and management of waste, such as used cooking oil. As the creators of the technologies utilized in our waste collection and storage facilities, we continuously enhance and expand our operations, steadily increasing the amount of fatty waste recovered from the environment.

Our activities are carried out in compliance with the necessary permits and environmental regulations issued by relevant authorities and institutions in our country. Additionally, we are certified participants of the REDCert EU sustainable development system, holding certificate number EU-REDcert-556-24100307.

countries where we sell
MT per mounth
0 +
types of oil & fat products
0 +

Vegetable oil

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Animal fat

Attacks smiling and may out assured moments man nothing.

Bottled oil

1,3,5,10 L


Ussed cooking oil . We have our collection point  in Ukraine. 


Our company received the RedCert certificate

Our company for the environment is emphasized by participation in the REDCert EU sustainable development system.


Always the best logistics solutions

We delivery of our products to any point within the EU, enabling our clients to acquire essential materials regardless of their location.

Our company offers two types of delivery:


We delivery of our products to any point within the EU, enabling our clients to acquire essential materials regardless of their location.


When ordering from 1000 tons of products, we offer customers delivery by rail with overload in Hrubieszów or Sławków (Poland)


Easy Steps

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Take a survey location

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Estimate your budget cost

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Develope your project

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Project Solarise

Let’s shine the dream with solar energy

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equipment sales

Due to modernization, the company is selling used equipment.

Trucks, tankers, tank containers. 

Details +48 452 136 413

Why Choose Us

Collection point used cooking oil in Ukraine

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Get In Touch

Contact Us

Sp. z o.o. «KRESKO»

KRS 0001032477

NIP 5214016254

Regon 525111799

Office Mail

Office Number

+48 452 136 413

Office Address

Domaniewska 17/19 / 133, 02-672 Warszawa, Polska


Let's Start Project

supplier of raw materials used for technical and feed purposes.

KRESKO LLC © 2023 


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